Now, remember the beginning of my visions page about “Deep Meanings”, where I mention about God being all bestowing and us receiving? The deeper meaning was that God sends the signal of his light (Knowledge & Truth) which we receive, and the Micro and Macro worlds have the same balance of function
in it’s Bestow/ Receive, Positive/ Negative energy, Cause and Effect, Yin/Yang, Good and Evil.
Bell’s Interconnection Theorem Proved this function of nature and no-one has realized this, as it fits the secrets of life. Because together with David Bohm’s Theory of Connection we now see the workings of the
balance of life, where every action has a mirror reaction and connects with the whole. This is a major breakthrough in man to finally see, “THE WAY THINGS ARE”, and that they effect & reflect each other and need each other as a whole. As well this proves we are connected to the order of this earth, and proves my point on “Deep Meanings” about affecting each other for the reason why Bad things happen.
But, will people still go on ignoring it? Basically all these things are Bestowing and Receiving
in nature, which is mentioned in all religions, but different names are used for the same essence of function.
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